
Ivan Chupin is an assistant professor of political science at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and a member of the PRINTEMPS laboratory of social sciences. He specializes in sociology of the media. His 2008 PhD dissertation examined the socio-history of journalism schools in France from the end of the nineteenth century to the contemporary period. With colleagues Nicolas Hubé and Nicolas Kaciaf, he has published Histoire politique et économique des médias en France (La Découverte, 2009). At the same time, he developed a program of research on the issue of French journalists and their dependency on political and economic fields, focusing in particular on genre journalists. Since 2010 he has adopted a comparative perspective, studying the biographies and practices of Russian journalists. Between 2010 and 2014 he taught sociology in Moscow at the French University College, Lomonosov University. Chupin has published several articles on relations between journalists and the Russian army and on political journalism in The Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies and Savoir Agir.

Françoise Daucé is a professor and director at the Centre for Russian, Caucasian, and East-European Studies (CERCEC) at the School of Advanced Social Sciences Studies (EHESS) in Paris. Her research interests are professional practices of journalists in contemporary Russia and online resistance and compromise in the media sphere. She is actively involved in the project “Resistance on the Internet: Criticism and Circumvention of Digital Borders in Russia” (RESISTIC) funded by the French National Research Agency. She also studies relationships between power institutions and social organizations in contemporary Russia, particularly the paradoxical use of civil society development programs to reinforce state control over NGOs. She recently published Une paradoxale oppression: Le pouvoir et les associations en Russie (CNRS Editions, 2013) and Être opposant dans la Russie de Vladimir Poutine (Le Bord de l’Eau, 2016). She has also published in a range of journals, including Critique Internationale, Problems of Post-Communism, Journal of Civil Society, and Revue d’Études Comparatives Est-Ouest.

Nicolas Hubé received his PhD in political science from Strasbourg University and the Free University in Berlin. He is an associate professor at University Paris 1 Panthéon–Sorbonne and a senior researcher at the European Centre for Sociology and Political Science of the Sorbonne (CESSP–UMR CNRS 8209). His research analyzes the political legitimation process and is organized around four analytical prisms: comparative analysis, historical sociology, sociology of professional groups and ethnography of practice, and media content analysis. He currently directs the master’s program in Institutional and Political Communication at the Sorbonne and has been cochair of the Political Communication Standing Group of the French Political Science Association since its creation in 2015. Between March 2013 and August 2015 he held the position of visiting professor at the Europa Universität Viadrina (Frankfurt an der Oder, Germany). He is member of the management committee of the Cost Action IS1308 Populist Political Communication in Europe.

Sandrine Lévêque is a professor of political science at Lyon 2–Lumière University and researcher at Triangle (CNRS). Her research interests include gender and communication and gender and politics. She is currently working, with Catherine Achin, on the effects of equality policies on political competition. She is also studying French women journalists and their commitments to feminism. Her recent publications include “Elle et Marie Claire dans les années 1968: Une ‘parenthèse enchantée’?” (Le Temps des medias, 2017; with Bibia Pavard and Claire Blandin) and “‘Jupiter Is Back’: Gender in the 2017 French Presidential Campaign” (French Politics, 2017; with Catherine Achin).

Alexander Lutsenko is a PhD student in the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for the Study of Reflexivities (LIER), Marcel Mauss Institute (IMM), School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) in Paris. He holds a master’s degree in sociology from the same school. He is currently completing a doctoral dissertation on the phenomenon of broadcast interviews with the owners of large Russian businesses. His areas of interest include the sociology of media, the sociology of power, and studies of publicity.

Erik Neveu is a professor of political science and member of the research team ARENES–CNRS at the University of Rennes 1. He has been the head of the IEP Rennes and sits on the advisory and editorial boards of several journals. His main research topics are social movements, cultural studies, and journalism and the public sphere. His contribution to the study of journalism explores changes in political journalism, especially on television. With Rod Benson he published an edited book (Bourdieu and the Journalistic Field, Polity Press, 2004) that made a significant contribution to the diffusion of Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts among the international community of social scientists working on journalism. His most recent research focuses on the links between literature, social sciences, and journalism. In 2017 he published, with Pierre Leroux, the edited volume En Immersion: Pratiques intensives du terrain en journalisme, littérature et sciences sociales (Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017) and the article “Revisiting the ‘Story vs. Information’ Model” (Journalism Studies, 2017).