Judith Pallot and Laura Piacentini. Gender, Geography, and Punishment: The Experience of Women in Carceral Russia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012; До и после тюрьмы: женские истории / Под ред. Елены Омельченко. – СПб: Алетейя, 2012
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In 2005 Judith Pallot, a geographer from Oxford whose recent research, undertaken with a fellow geographer from the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, had focused on the fate of the private plot in post-Soviet Russia, embarked on a collaborative project of a different and more ambitious kind. The aim was to look at issues relating to women’s imprisonment within the context of “Russia’s inherited penal geography.”
The result is two books on a little-explored subject, which complement each other so well that the reader will benefit hugely by reading them both—together. I would advise Pallot-Piacentini first, then Omelchenko. But these books are worth being read by a far wider audience than those with an interest in penology or gender issues.
Women Prisoners, Sociology of Imprisonment, Geography of Imprisonment, Russian Penal System, Russian Federal Penal Service
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