Новый быт в современной России: гендерные исследования повседневности. Под ред. Е.Здравомысловой, А.Роткирх, А.Темкиной. СПб.: Издательство ЕУСПб, 2009


Jennifer Patico


Novyi byt v sovremennoi Rossii presents recent research conducted in Saint Petersburg by sociologists of the European University, the Center for Independent Social Research, the Smolny Institute, and Saint Petersburg State University as well as Finnish institutions. While the studies presented are quite varied—topically, and to some extent methodologically—they are united under the rubric of everyday life (discussed both in terms of byt and as povsednevnost’) in contemporary urban Russia, with the primary focus on shifting gender identities and reconfigurations of the private/domestic sphere.

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