Как судьи принимают решения: эмпирические исследования права. Сборник статей, под ред. Вадима Волкова. М.: Статут, 2012


Marina Kurkchiyan


This book is a long overdue contribution to Russian-language work in the field of sociolegal studies. It offers a selection of empirically based investigations of the Russian judiciary, cast within the “law in action” paradigm that scrutinizes how things happen in the real world rather than how they are intended or ought to happen. The volume makes a significant step away from the stereotypical black-and-white accounts of the Russian legal system often produced by Western and Russian scholars alike. Here the authors provide an analytical approach to the subtleties of how verdicts are reached in Russian courts. The comparative method that most of the authors employ is also valuable in situating findings on Russia within a global perspective.

Ключевые слова

социолегальные исследования, законодательство, правоприменение, решения суда, оправдательные приговоры, обвинительные приговоры, суды в постсоветской России

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