Massimiliano Mollona. Made in Sheffield: An Ethnography of Industrial Work and Politics. New York: Berghahn Books, 2009


Christian Koller


Massimiliano Mollona is an Italian social anthropologist with an economic backgroundwho currently lectures at Goldsmiths, University of London. In Made in Sheffield hefocuses on the post-Thatcherist remainders of the once very remarkable Sheffieldsteel industry, which he describes and analyses through ethnographic methods. Whilea century ago cutlery from Sheffield was in use across the globe, the city today isdominated by big shopping centers, new leisure developments, and other facilities ofthe service sector, with the industry and its staff being socially and spatially marginalized.Mollona’s monograph is based on the author’s fieldwork as a worker for twosteel companies, Morris Ltd. and Unsor Ltd., whose staff’s working conditions, communitylife, and self-perceptions form the core of the study. This is skillfully related tobroader economic and social trends and combined with class analysis and a criticalengagement with current anthropological, sociological, and economic theories.

Ключевые слова

сталепрокатная промышленность, рабочие, классовые отношения, Шеффилд, социальная политика в Великобритании

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