Hilary Orange, ed. Reanimating Industrial Spaces: Conducting Memory Work in Post-Industrial Societies. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, 2015


Alena Pfoser


The edited volume Reanimating Industrial Spaces: Conducting Memory Work in Post-Industrial Societies, which developed out of two panels at conferences of the TheoreticalArchaeology Group and the European Association of Archaeologists, examinesthe varied afterlives of industrial sites after the abandonment of active production.Deindustrialization has radically transformed places and their communities and ledto economic degeneration, material decay, and unemployment, with 22 million jobslost between 1969 and 1976 in the United States alone.

Ключевые слова

промышленные зоны, урбанизм, память, наследие, археология

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