Социологи и их издатели. Беседа Михаила Габовича с Джимом Кларком — редактором и издателем Эрвинга Гоффмана, Гарольда Гарфинкеля, Толкотта Парсонса и Роберта Беллы


Mischa Gabowitsch


James Clark worked as sociology editor at Prentice Hall and Aldine, as vice president of Harper & Row, and as the director of California University Press. The expansion of higher education in the 1960s created a new market for textbooks. Authors such as Erving Goffman and Peter Berger wrote sociological best-sellers. Editors were sometimes crucial in bringing a publication to fruition; in other cases, their role was largely technical. Today, textbooks have become prohibitively expensive because of their shorter life cycle and multimedia format.
English and Russian version.

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